
Friday, September 27, 2019

Tolkein Party 2019 ~ The Genius of Tolkien

  The  more of his works I read, the more amazed I am at the genius of this man.  He invented his own languages, he wrote the most epic saga to come out of the 1900's (book saga) and every piece of his work breathes with a mystical something that I have no words to describe.

  I recently read three of his smaller works.  Roverandom, Smith of Wootton Major and Farmer Giles of Ham.  Some would think of them as 'kids stories', but I found them as enjoyable now as I would have at seven!  And though they have no where near the depth and intricacy of Lord of the Rings or The Silmarillion, they still have this magical quality that almost transforms them into living breathing reality

  But besides the magical and mystical beauty of his stories, there is a sturdy wholesomeness to them that benefits every reader who can see it.  He said Lord of the Rings wasn't an allegory and it isn't really, but there is so much truth, righteousness and so many life lessons that you can learn from those pages.  He was a truly amazing man and I am eternally grateful that I have had the privilage of reading the stories he wrote.

  I hope that this bumbling attempt to express my thoughts makes sense to you all.  I took me three days to write and i nearly wore the delete key out!

  What do you like most about Tolkien?


  1. I couldn't agree more about that magical quality that translates to reality and the life lessons that can be learned from his works, I don't know where I would be if I hadn't read Tolkien.

    My favorite thing about his works is the detail, the songs, stories, languages, and the depth of each character and culture. The variety in his writing is also fantastic, the songs and poetry add texture, it's never boring.

  2. It's so funny how the shortest things often take us the longest to write ;)

    But yes, I agree so whole heartedly with you! On my way to Germany I watched most of the Tolkien movie. Have you seen that? If so what did you think of it? I didn't get to finish it as my plane landed when there was ten minutes of the movie left ;p


    1. Aye, funny but blasted annoying!

      I unfortunately have not yet had a chance to watch it, though I am very much looking forward to doing so!
